The Evolution of SCRUM MASTERS:
How the Scrum Master role is evolving in the modern enterprise and how your organisation can be first mover to take advantage
Darren Emery
3 min read

Who are you voting/rooting for today?
Are you imagining "What can be, unburdened by what has been"? Or are the margins “Too Big to Rig.” Whichever side of the fence you are...
Darren Emery
2 min read

OKRs for Leadership
Over the past twenty years the corporate world has seen significant change influenced by digital technology which has revolutionised the...
Darren Emery
3 min read

Are You the Puppet Master or the puppet?
Jira, love it or hate it? Either way, for a lot of organisations it’s necessary; it’s the main tool that development teams use to (1)...
Abbas Dhanani
3 min read

Guacamole is the Answer
Turns out guacamole is the answer. I’m not entirely sure what the question is (on a side note, I just found out there is a new Douglas...
Abbas Dhanani
2 min read